How to Prep your Apartment for Summer
  • Kim
  • March 31st, 2019
  •   Blog

The sand-and-sun season is here! Although things like broken AC’s and bugs are part of the summer home maintenance, there is nothing like bringing in that summer vibe into your home. To be absolutely sure you get a stress-free summer season, take that extra time to prepare your apartment for the hot season with this easy-to-do list.

Make sure the thermostat or air conditioning is working.

When it gets really hot, you would want to make sure your room cools quickly. So, if you already know the AC needs repairs to be sure to call in the maintenance team. An added tip to using your programmable thermostat, if you have one, is to set it to a warmer temperature if you are away. At the end of the day, set it to your desired temperature around 15-30 minutes before the time you arrive home.

Include yourself in a pest control list.

Summer brings in a lot of bugs and critters so be sure to find the best pest control company in your community and sign up for their services immediately. Such services can be availed weekly or monthly based on request and treatment can be done for both your home’s exterior and interior. In addition, you can also do all-natural pest control remedies.

Make sure window screens are in good shape.

o conserve energy, you can always open your doors and windows to let the summer breeze in. This is never a bad thing. It does get bad, however, if your screens are bent or have holes making it easy for mosquitoes and bugs to enter your home. So, make it a point that your screens are in tiptop shape.

If you have ceiling fans, switch them to summer-mode.

In case you may not know, there is this tiny switch on the ceiling fan’s motor that controls the direction of how the fan blades rotate. If it is set to counter-clockwise, the air is pushed down. Fans set to rotate clock-wise would mean that air circulates up. For the summer season, you would want your fan to rotate counter-clockwise. This cools things down for people living at home. If you don’ have a ceiling fan, you can ask your leasing office if you can install one.

Aside from these tips, you might want to check your air filter and make sure it is clean. Because if it isn’t, air flow is restricted. Also, check your doors and windows for gaps. Even if the AC is turned on, if the cool air just makes its way out, then you are just wasting energy. What’s worse is you’ll start feeling uncomfortable because of how hot it is inside.

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