Essential Oil Blends For Every Room In Your Apartment
  • Kim
  • September 10th, 2020
  •   Blog

Essential oils, like house plants, are a thing these days. It could be one of the effects of staying home because of the pandemic but it definitely has made a lot of who we know an essential oil blend expert. You reading this would mean you’ve had that first bottle for either your diffuser or to apply for that headache maybe. But you’re here for more and there’s no turning back. So here are some essential oil diffuser blends for every room in your apartment.


Essential Oil blends to have in every room in your Apartment

Essential oils are well known for aromatherapy among others. If you’ve recently purchased a diffuser, you might already have tested different blends and you have your favorites. What you might not know is that there are particular essential oil diffuser blends that will go perfect for each room in your apartment.

This doesn’t mean you’d have a diffuser in each room. That would be weird. What this list could do is to help you know which kinds of blends are the best for a particular room in your living space so you would be able to maximize the properties of each of them. So let’s start!

essential oil

Entry Room: Welcoming Blend

The entry room is the first space you step into when you go home and it’s the first space guests would be in as well. You need some welcoming blends that would help create a good impression of your home. This could either be any of the combinations listed below.

Essential oil blends for the Entry room:

Ginger, Lemon, Orange
Peppermint, Roman Chamomile, Lavender
Clove, Cassia, Wild orange

essential oil

Living Room, Delightful blend

The living room is where everyone usually hangs out and that means it should have a certain energy that brings about happiness. That means a delightful blend would work great.

Essential oil blends for the Living room:

Lime, Tea Tree, Spearmint or
Rosemary, Peppermint, Lemon or
Lavender, Bergamot
Wild orange, peppermint

girl smelling the oil


What you need in the kitchen is a sparkling fresh or purifying blend that works as a cleansing aroma. Since you whip up magic in the kitchen, there’s that aroma that makes you hungry but then there’s also that unwanted smell you just want to get rid of. Here’s what you need.

Essential oil blends for the kitchen:

Frankincense, Tea Tree, Lemon or
Lemongrass, Tea Tree, Clove or
Lemon, Peppermint, Spearmint

bathroom oil


A bedroom is a place for relaxation. It should be stress-free and would always be an atmosphere of peace. You need a soothing calming blend.

Essential oil blends for the bedroom:

Lavender, Frankincense, Orange or
Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang or
Lavender, Lime, Mandarin or
Bergamot, Geranium, Lavender, or
Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Frankincense

aroma oil


The bathroom is where you spend most of your hours getting ready for work in the morning and getting ready for bed in the evening. The ambiance in this particular room should be a combination to help you relax and focus at the same time. It should also be one that would help boost your immune system while you’re ate it. Here are some uplifting or energizing blends to help out.

Essential oil blends for the bathroom:

Peppermint, Lime, Wild orange or
Grapefruit, Eucalyptus, Rosemary or
Orange, lavender, Douglas Fir, Thyme

With all these essential oil blends listed, you are sure to get the most out of what each has to offer. You don’t just get the aromatherapy property of it, but you also get the health benefits it gives. Be confident about knowing the essential oil diffuser blends for every room in your apartment and consider yourself sort of like an expert.

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